Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Friendship is another major topic that we will be reviewing as we read through this book.  There are many pairs of friends in this book, but the most obvious is the friendship that occurs between George and Lenny.  How do we know that George and Lenny are great friends?  There are several examples throughout the text, but to give one prime example, is the fact that they stick by each other's sides.  Though times get tough and work is sparse, George and Lenny never give up on each other.  As we see, part of Lenny's life is the fact that he has some sort of mental illness which prevents higher function in his brain, despite this difficulty and the problems that arise from it, George sticks by his side.  He encourages Lenny in his own way and shows it through is unending support.  What can you learn from the way that Lenny and George carry out their friendship?  In what ways can you apply some of those principles to your current friendships? Consider the following photo, which shows that it doesn't take a "usual pair" to be the best of friends.
In what ways does this image reflect the friendship of George and Lenny? 

The Bond of Friendship

One of the major themes in the book Of Mice and Men is dreams, hopes and plans.  In the story we learn that George and Lenny, the inseparable duo, dream of owning their own farm.  Their dream, however, is not simply a broad statement.  There is much specificity to their dream, namely, the fact that they have a will to raise rabbits and to live off the fat o' the lan'.  The only problem for them is that this dream seems ever more unattainable as time after time, things begin to crumble before them.  They spend much time working as ranch hands in order to establish their dream, but due to various circumstances that we see time and again, their dreams are crushed.  This is a theme that prevails not just in the hopes and dreams of George and Lenny, but in the dreams of just about everyone in the story, even Curly.  So what do we do with this?  Is there no way to reconcile our dreams without them being crushed? Certainly their must be.  I want you to take some time to outline some of your hopes and dreams.  What can you do to overcome in the face of adversity? What is it that keeps you pressing on towards your dreams in good times and bad? Be specific.  Consider reading more about hopes and dreams in the book here http://www.bookrags.com/notes/omam/top2.html.